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Friday, June 18, 2010

Is this Rocket Science?

The weekend is here and some of you have the fortune of having someone that likes you enough to want to spend a few hours in your presence. Crazy right? Round of applause for yourself because others will be out this weekend trying to find someone they like or tricking someone to like them. We’ll discuss you guys later. So for the ladies and gents that are in that stage of their relationship where you are thinking far too much about the potential of your new boo-boo (whoever invented that word by the way should be tied up and Patrick Ewing’s used sock from the 1994 playoffs should be lodged into their mouth for 3 days), I’m going to relieve you of a minor stress. Who pays for dinner? If you’re a mind reader or better yet, an Es Wild blog reader (“Ice-T Killed Chivalry”), you probably can figure out my position.

Call me crazy, but I think it’s funny that so many times people are not on the same page. Now, I'm only talking about when the man and woman first start going out/ dating. Whatever arrangement comes after things are more serious doesn't concern me.

In the beginning, either the man is pursuing the woman or the woman is pursuing the man. Hunter and hunted. Please pay attention because this may go over some peoples’ heads....the hunter pays! Simple right?...I agree, so why people make a big deal about this I don't know. The same way dinosaurs are extinct, things change. Yes ladies, you want a guy, its ok to take him out. Don't ask him out on a date, expect him to pay and then get mad when he says he doesn't have any money. He has money, he just didn't plan on paying for you to pursue him. And men, unless you're a pimp or super player, the woman does not have to pay if you're courting her. Lastly, in the case of mutual interest, think of a pre-nup; alternate turns or go dutch (where did that word come from by the way?) So until the couple reaches the point where there is a level playing field, this is the law, abide by it to avoid confusion.


  1. In theory this is very easy to comprehend, and in action it is even easier, yet some woman don't get it. I ask you out, I pay. You ask me out, you pay. You hit me during work hours and suggest we go get something to eat after work or a drink, you want my company so we can go dutch, but by "hunter vs hunted" law this should be on you. DON'T PLAN A DATE and when the bill come look at me like, "handle that."

    I was dating a chic who said she wanted to see a movie I had zero interest in seeing. I expressed this and she was insistent on this movie, so I say, "OK your movie, you pay." My suggestion was met with a long silence then she said, "well we can see something else" to which I replied, "I'm not worth $11.50" to which she replied, "I'm not use to guys telling me I have to pay." Oh really, she received her pink slip shortly thereafter.

    Some women need to make up their mind. They want the "traditional" ish when its convenient for them, but ask them to pick up a vacuum and its "I work, I have 4 degrees, its 2010, I'm no Suzy Homemaker blah blah blah." But their purses are suddenly Gorilla Glued shut when its time to pick up a tab.

    Now I have no problem showing a lady a good time and picking up the tab, but I have tattoos and I know one of them don't say All Day Sucka. If you looking for a meal ticket you on the wrong line sister.

  2. Seems simple enough to me ES! and I happen to agree with these "rules" whoever asks pays.
    Interesting comment from DR, women want traditional chivalry. men have completely forgotten all about old school courting. its a sad state of affairs, it will be even worse when the youngest generation gets to be our age.

  3. jo-ann pays if he's putting out. jo-ann goes dutch all other times. jo-ann always goes dutch.

  4. [anon11:56] If I don't have money, I usually don't plan on doing anything. If I eat, I reach, unless I alerted someone that I didnt have money and they said "nah, it's cool". I think it's just always the polite thing to do. I never assume someone is paying for me, brand new or long term relationship. This whole gold digging concept is always a lil humorous to me, I guess the squeaky wheels get all the oil, because I've bought everything I have. shrugs.. I think the issue is only when you don't try to ask for anything to be polite or reasonable, and guys perpetually tell you, Oh I think you're great, you never want anything.. Want and ask for are two different things.. :(

  5. well thats all fine and dandy....imo i think that whoever has the most disposable income is the rule now a days. first off for me a dude walking around flashing money tryna show me he can pay for everything including the pavement we r walking on is a clown and he is going to show his clowninsh ways the first time he opens his mouth to say "well cant i get some i just paid for mad shyt" ulgh how lame. my momma always taught me that when a man is giving u hand over fist eventually he will be looking for sum type of repayment usually in ass. so my rule first date is always dutch. second date is usually something free. if u call to c me after that im assuming its on u. if i invite u somewhere then any exorbant fee associated with what i want to do will be paid by me. idk that just seems fair. but beyond that if u got megabucks (compared to my pauper status) then it will usually be on u cuz i am the gueen of the free date. lol

  6. Awesome blog :) I'm sat here nodding my head to most of it!


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