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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pick Your Poison

• Any woman whose primary interest in a relationship is material benefits.
• She doesn't even have her own pot to piss in but she is good at living off other guys’ money.
• When a woman who is attractive lies to gain wealth without proper work and showing very little or no affection towards the usually unattractive rich man.
• Are no better than a common gutterslut whore.
• A woman who manipulates men to benefit from their labor, skills, or money without compensation. Often highly narcissistic exhibiting little compassion and thankfulness
• A Hooker, Just smarter
• A girl who is looking for a husband that will allow her not to have to work and thus shop for the rest of her life.
• About 96% of the female population. They will lie, cheat, steal, fuck, blow, and sometimes even kill to get you for all your shit. She wants everything, even your soul. Nothing is safe within the presence of a good one. The whore will use you up and suck you dry and move on to the next unsuspecting victim. This woman is very dangerous; remember the words "Prenuptial Agreement" to ward off this slut bag cum dumpster.

I have to give credit to for the very entertaining definitions. Can anyone guess what is being defined? No, there is not a prize available for those who guessed right. But, it is an admission that this is how most of us feel about gold diggers.

Like most guys, I’ve heard these words and subconsciously accepted them without a challenge. This led to me despising gold diggers for most of my life.

With all that said, I’m about to do something that not many men will do. I’m going to defend gold diggers. I am not going to dissect all of the definitions listed above. In fact, I don’t even expect to convince people to agree with me. I just want the gold diggers and gold diggers in training out there to know that I am sympathetic, I am aware of what it feels like to be misunderstood. (Look out for Hug-A-GoldDigger-Day. As a matter of fact, if you are close to a GoldDigger, give her a hug now!)

Before we start judging women that are attracted to a guy for his money, I think we should be careful. She who lives in a glass house should sit her ass down before she breaks something. Ponder this for a moment……

A woman likes a guy because he is smart, funny, witty, passionate, motivated, down-to-earth, family oriented, good with his hands, athletic, or capable of laying the pipe….you name it. For every attribute a guy has, there’s a woman that’s attracted to it. Although some people are born with certain gifts, for the most part, there’s a guy that either worked to have an attribute or is working to maintain it. Of course this work is for personal growth, but don’t get it twisted, most of the things a guy does to better himself, he’s doing it to get the woman he wants.

This brings us to money. It’s an attribute. It’s one of those stats. It’s flashed and flaunted to serve a purpose just like any other attribute. When a guy is pursuing a woman, if he’s short on funds, he has to convince the woman that he has some other qualities that she may like. We know that some women cannot stand a dumb or corny dude. So what do we do, we tell a joke, or brag about our career goals. Do we call a woman shallow because she only wants to date a guy who was the valedictorian or the guy she can take home to mommy and daddy? These guys are being used the same way the cat with money is being used. Let the guy lose the thing (money, wits, physique, interest, etc) that girl likes. Unless there is enough time invested where the woman can learn to appreciate some of his unexpected qualities, she’s leaving.

The defense rests. GoldDiggers, hold your head, I got you! (As long as you don't ask me for any money)


  1. Cool. Very interesting points.
    Question: On the flip side of things, i guess some guys should go after women for their money too. Simply because that might be their only good attribute or they have nothing else to offer a man!
    So Is that cool?

  2. I think that this goes back too a conversation previously had on this blog. the fundamental roles of men and women. Guys u want a lady that is going to clean your house, wash your clothes, cook you breakfast pack a lunch and have dinner waiting, you want her to not mind the hours u sit watching Kobe and Garnett, lay with you everynight, give great top and be an excellect example for your kids. but you have a prob with he lady that says all that can happen as long as you get my nails and hair done buy me the clothes that i want so i can look good on your arm an put some money in my pocket so im not walking around broke? what world do you live in. everything here on this planet is ruled by money. From the quality of food you eat and water you drink to the car you drive and the clothes on your back. even if your a bum on the corner you need money. y knock a chick for making sure she is right?

  3. Is money an attribute or is a result of an attribute like: steadfastness; diligence; motivation or drive?

  4. Anonymous, I agree and disagree with your comment. But, its very general so I would assume you were not talking about how I feel personally because I dont recall saying anything that youre alledging. The planet is not ruled by money btw, its ruled by resources, and that could be anything.

    Whats up cuzn Nii. I love the sarcasm. To answer your rhetorical question, yes its cool. In fact, the male gold digger is about to be the new thing. (Reference 1st post "She got her own thing, thats why i cant stand her".

    A result of an attribute is still an attribute. Some people become witty because they are smart and funny. Some people are good sexually as a result of being studious in pornos.

  5. Actually the male gold digger has been around a lot longer than the female gold digger. Only in the past 100 years has the female gold digger really started to out shine the men.

    Men used to look for suitable women to marry, with shit loads of money, property... etc as a dowery so that they could gain family ties, and wealth from his new bride. Similarly the girls father would look for a man that would advance himself, thus gold digging.

  6. Actually Anonymous, you are incorrect. In ancient times, women were trained since adolescents to be suitable wives for men whom their fathers would give to as wives. These men were usually from money. Kings and Queens did the same, but on a more elite level, arranging marriages withing royalty to keep the money in the family. As far as gold digging, yes we want women to abide by "traditional roles", but if you want to be a gold digger,then i'm going to treat you like a prostitute. Keeping house doesn't mean, now you get an allowance. I thought, y'all were independent? Besides, if I'm taking care of you, you can't pick up a vacuum?

    Gold diggers will walk a man as far as he allows as will gigolos and their Lady Eloises'. With that said, if you allow yourself to be walked, then that's on you. I'm not mad at gold diggers, get your money, I sure aint giving you none, but someone else will. Just know, if you let him smash and then request money or material item or a bill to be paid, thats prostitution. What they say is the "flesh game is the best game", so don't feel surprised if he begins to treat you like a hooker.


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