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Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Coach, Put Me in the Game"

It’s ok to have the worst batting average if you have the most homeruns. If you go 1 for 100 you were successful if that one was a good one. A lot of hitters struggle the entire game, but when it’s the ninth inning, two outs, down one run, runner on third, they execute the suicide bunt to extend the game. You have to have patience and confidence to do this.

Before I confuse everyone with my baseball analogies, let me explain this post's topic. "Yo, Es, she's a good look, but she's on another level, she's out of your league" (that statement is strictly hypothetical btw lol). Do "leagues" really exist? How does a guy feel when he's told that the girl he wants is out of his league?

We all know that the male ego makes some guys come off as arrogant, abrasive, egotistical and pompous (all those words probably mean the same thing but who cares I felt like using them). Depending on who is the audience, these adjectives are viewed as positives or negatives. When a man makes a conscious decision to believe that no woman is out of his league, his ego deserves all the credit. There are of lot of women that wouldn't have boyfriends or husbands if their guy actually saw and adhered to the line that separated the leagues. Only the arrogant and timid pay these barriers any attention. So yes, leagues definitely exist and there are many different types of them. The different types range anywhere from age to looks to education. Some people learn about them as early as grade school, and some people never learn about them. Some people learn about them but choose to ignore. Others acknowledge the leagues, accept the league they belong to, and play if safe the rest of their lives.

How does a guy feel when someone breaks the bad news to him? Well first of all, it’s not a gender thing, it’s a personality thing. Women share the same feelings. Embarrassed, astounded, motivated, defeated. I understand each feeling, but it is what it is. Some people consider themselves Batman, some consider themselves Robin. I ask “what’s the worse that could happen if a guy pursues a woman that is out of his league?” He strikes out. He’s humiliated. His confidence is shattered. I say bring it on. A lot of guys welcome the challenge. This is another case of risk vs reward. If you go 1 for 100 you were successful if that one was a good one. It’s experience. It’s motivation. It’s endearing. Everyone loves the underdog. No one loves a quitter who’s afraid of a challenge. Who wants to keep pursuing the easy feat? Ask the 5’-6” gentleman that doesn’t like short girls. Ask the blue collar worker from the hood that despises hood chicks. Ask the broke dude that stays at Sue’s Rendezvous and only wants to date strippers. These are the guys we see with girls we think are out of their league and we say to each other "how'd he get her?"

We all know the girl that walks up the block or chills in the lounge and no one even whispers a word to her. She looks good, she’s smart, her morals are in order, she’s down-to-earth, she has a sense of humor, she’s a lady in public, and freak in private. Guys want her, wait, correction, guys want to marry her. They fantasize about her. They love her. Guess what, she’s single. She’s available. She can fulfill some lucky guy’s dream. But she’s also intimidating. Her chit is too too put together. Guys are petrified to approach her. She’s out of their league. Everyone loses.

Some guys need to see the wizard for more courage. And some women need to step down off their pedestal sometimes. Don’t lower your standards, but meet him halfway.


  1. Oh Este.... this makes me both sad and mad!
    I am that woman you described that men want to marry... but why the hell won't ya'll (the men) step up. What else can I possibly do? if i'm walking down the street and I see an attractive man and he smiles, I smile and say hello and then... he keeps walking... what else can I do? Women do try to be approachable but really it's up to the man.
    It's like applying to for a job..."you're a great candidate but you are OVER QUALIFIED!" well what the hell am I suppossed to do with that? I certainly will not dumb myself down so the man can feel comfortable.
    Women take the risk by dating men who at least are brave enough to come up to them.Why can't the men take a risk and approach who they really would LIKE to get to know?
    Oh well... until next topic...

  2. I've been told many a thing such as, "you better come correct dog", "she aint no joke" and yes, "she might be out of your league man" to all of which I say, "why do you think that?" Do you think, I'm that wack I can't bag "Ms. Gothersh*ttogether?" #FAIL! None of the aforementioned words of DIScouragement ever stops me from going after what I want. Call me arrogant, an a**hole, conceited whatever. Nothing I haven't heard before and far from the truth if you know we. Sticks and stones b**ches! But, as I take inventory of the people who told me such words of discouragement from both men and women, they 9 times out of 10 have been either wack or possessed little to no confidence. It's true misery loves company.

    Yes, there are plenty of woman with their "sh*t together" and plenty of men without, but please believe that will not stop a a wolf from hunting the sheep. A successful woman can be intimidating, but men possess the one thing her degrees, money, BMW and condo can't provide. Yup, you guessed it..COMPANIONSHIP. For all you ladies who said to yourself, "d**k" get your mind out the gutter. Women want sex just as much as the next man, but what she really wants is to be complimented, be taken out, held and have someone of the opposite sex to talk to. I will be that man even if you're an All-Star, because I've been told a "closed mouth don't get fed" and 99% of single, successful women have a feast at home that's getting cold and dying to be eaten.

  3. *Swoon* great response Mighty if more men would think like you the world would be a happy place!

  4. Thank you for giving a positive explanation for why a woman could be described as "unapproachable." Although the positive causes of being "unapproachable" produce the same result as the negative causes... single status... it is good to hear a man confirm my belief that "unapproachable" is not necessarily caused by a woman having a negative personality and/or undesirable qualities.


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