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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

James West

Although this is a blog about the answers a woman needs from the male species, there are current events that sometimes occur and deserve their time to shine (see below ‘Spike and I Courtside at the Movies’). Over the weekend I got a text of a RUMOR, I repeat a RUMOR. I don’t want anyone thinking that I am part of the media that is creating or perpetuating this RUMOR. I’m simply going to use it as a tool to excite conversation. ‘Delonte banging Lebron’s Moms’. Crazy, I know. Yesterday, my debate with one of my best friends was so heated I had to post this topic. Because this is not a sports blog, I will not get into Lebron’s performance those last two games. But we are reminded of all of the commentary and our own personal thoughts during that time. I remember saying and hearing, “it looks like Lebron is mailing in it”, “somebody paid him”, “did Delonte even play, what is Mike Brown doing”, “he doesn’t even have the arm sleeve on, it can’t be his elbow, why is he playing like that”.

Well, how would you play if you found out your mother was doing the nasty with one of your teammates. Or if one of your sexual act secrets was discovered by the last person in the world you wanted to find out.

In these crazy times we live in, all types of things happen. Men and women break and create the rules as they go. Even criminals follow a code though. I’m a firm believer in all being fair in lust, love and war, but I have to admit, this RUMOR made me reconsider my stance. I said reconsider, not change. All is fair, but not necessarily right. So who’s wrong?

Lebron’s Mother is 50% - 90% wrong if this RUMOR is true. Wait, this is the logical good guy side of me saying this because I can also easily say that she did nothing wrong. For the sake of argument on both sides of the fence, she’s wrong for the obvious reasons. This is a teammate/ possible friend of her son and a woman of her age should not carry herself that way blah blah blah. The reasons she did nothing wrong are, she’s grown, mama got fantasies, what if she really wanted a fruitful relationship with Delonte, and she has the right to be attracted to and pursue anyone she desires. Why should she be vilified because her son’s star quality provides her the ability to have access to some of the world’s best athletes? Like my man Will Ferrell said in ‘Wedding Crashers’, she’s just “living the dream” lol. What would any woman do? Don’t be surprised if this turns into Tiger part deux; basketball players from a bunch of teams come out and say they did it with Mom Lebron.

Delonte. Poor Delonte. He’s probably thinking “Damn, all I wanted was some ass. It wasn’t supposed to go this far.” That’s if this RUMOR is true of course. If Delonte pursued Mom Lebron, he’s dead wrong. Even though he would be dead wrong, he’s still excused because of the ‘all is fair’ rule. Hopefully she approached him and he can always say that he didn’t know how to handle the pressure (see last week’s post ‘Ok, You Got Me’). I’m sure a cougar of her stature is hard to deny. Lebron had to get that drive and hunger from somewhere.

Because of the ongoing joke that Lebron will have on him for the rest of his life, Lebron is free to do whatever he wants to Delonte. But he should remember, Delonte carries guns like Antonio Banderas in ‘Desperado’. I’m not judging, I’m only stating the facts. No, I’m serious, His clock may actually turn counterclockwise, so approach with caution.

In Westerns, shootouts happened all the time in west, hopefully this is simply a RUMOR and there will be no shootouts in the Midwest.


  1. [anon11:56] i'm just commenting to tell you.. I could care less. Yeah, I might think it was weird if my mom talked to someone younger, but.. I could care less. If she is a good mom to me, it is what it is. Period. You might even get in an argument about it, but the truth is... who cares. They are grown, no teenagers or pedophilia so.. move on.

  2. Maybe I care too much! Rules in life and in the work place needs to be applied! Yes she's grown, but inorder to maintain a decent work enviornment stay away from your co-workers mother, ex-, girl friend and wife. As we found out, employees fail to concentrate and address the real issues @ work when Mama' is being schemed and plotted on. Most companies stress 'no fratenization' (sp.) @ work or keep your personal life, personal. LBJ is living a very public life but we see how those rules, if not followed, can lead to dysfunction. Please, fellas....learn this valuable rule, some women are off limits! Ladies, some men are limits...Now I gotta' hear the Kobe is better than Lebron arguments, I hate D-West, LOL!!!!

  3. I'm mad you found a pic of Lebron dunking on West......

    WOW! This is a tough one, only because of the difference in the sets of rules that apply. In other words, there are the rules - written and unwritten - in the professional world (yes, I know the NBA doesn't totally apply, but stay with me!), and there are the Hood rules. As Brother Kenney stated, certain social aspects of person-to-person are either discouraged or flat out not allowed for said reasons. But, in the Hood, it usually ends up being more of a "whateva goes" scenario! If a person feels he/she can get away with it, and not be tortured by subsequential guilt or an ass whoopin, then its fair game. Actions such as: FELLAS.....hollerin' at (and by hollerin', I mean tryin to fuck) ya boy's future/current/ex girlfriend, his sister(s), or even his Mom! LADIES......the reciprocal.

    The stickiness of this particular situation comes from the issue of whether or not you can apply the Hood rules - since the league was once made up of a bunch of "thugs".....thanks David Stern - or not. Which rules - Hood or Professional - do you apply? The vagueness and varying difference in opinion (which is probably the cause for Steve's heated debate) will make this a soon-to-be age old argument, almost up there with "why is it ok for Black people to say 'nigger' and not white people"!

  4. [anon11:56] Points taken.. but question.. How can you apply the no fraternization rules to someone else in your family. If you are at work and you date a coworker.. I understand that. But really, I can't necessarily say that I could or would be upset if my coworker dated my sister. That is not me fraternizing, and further more, how do you control the lives of people who lead very hectic schedules and tend to understand others who are closer to the lifestyle. For example, despite rules about interoffice relationships, doctors tend to date doctors, because other people don't understand, celebrities getting together, basketball affiliates by familial relation.. clearly is falling under that category. Hood or professionally, people are still adults, and unless there are specific degrees of separation in the contract, how is it off the table? Not that it's true in this case, but whose to stop any football player's mother who is constantly around her son and his life, from falling in love with another football player and getting married and living happily ever after.. (ignore the disney melodramatic finish, purely for ambiance)

  5. It's ok, because LBJ, Cleveland and DWest will not be living happily ever after. When I read Este's post, I looked at it as....HOW DO YOU MAINTAIN ORDER IN YOUR FAMILY AND AT WORK? You are absolutely right, paper means a lot to some. However, I don't need any written contract that tells me not to date my 1st, 2nd or 3rd cousin, leave my boy's ex- alone, or wear black dress socks w. black shoes. Was Scareface right for shooting Angel Fernandez? IDK, but clearly...when Tony Montana yolked him up, he should've got the memo...OFF LIMITS! DWest clearly should've referenced that 1983 movie, written and unwritten. Clearly, if we take Este's confidential report to be true, this was not a romance with substance but a teammates inability to control his lustful desires to smash the homie's mom. If I walk into my mom's house and see DWest in a bathrobe....he's gettin' it! I don't give a st*t if they got married and wanted to surprise me, lol!!!!

    If LBJ's mom came on to him, DWest should be strong enough to know what to do. Let's role play for a second....Pretend you are Ms. LBJ and I'm DWest:
    LBJ's mom: Hey D, nice game...what are you doin' tonight. I think you are cute.
    DWest: Nuthin', hold girl is calling, aiight...
    LBJ's mom: Let me get to the point, i want to (*click*)
    You see, clearly DWest is in charge of the relationship and I'm sure those youngins' in DC schooled him. Both are wrong, but DWest may find his depressed, gun-tottin azz out the league!

  6. First and foremost, Delonte's mental illness aside and no disrespect to LBJ, but Gloria James is not a M.I.L.F (Mom I'd Like to F**k)by any stretch of the imagination. Perhaps if it were me and I could make a run at LBJ bank via moms maybe, but D-West got bread too. Anyway, we have to investigate and pretend this RUMOR is true. How cool is West and LBJ? Maybe LBJ smashed one of his h*es and he wanted revenge? No greater revenge than smashing someones mom after they smashed one of your chics. That's the Atom bomb of get back. Here comes the flip flop.

    But in any event, D-West should know better to smash a team mates mom. You see this dude night in and night out for 9 months a year and that's just wrong. (insert flip) On the other hand, the hood in my says, "nobody's mom is above smashing" granted she be a MILF. (insert flop) Nevertheless, there are just somethings you don't do and smashing the homies moms is one. If he was smashing Kobe's moms or another player he doesn't work with 3/4 of the year, then go for it. But not your man's mom thats just wrong. Although, there is a younger god in my hood that I "know" whose mom I'm dying to smash.

    F it, play ball!

  7. Delonte West???? If she has those kind of cougar skills she should have picked a better looking guy, hahahahaha!

  8. Anon 11:56, they are adults, but they are also human, and prone/subject to human desires. With that aside, nobody can say for sure if Ms. LBJ and Mr. West would have developed into a life-long, fruitful (well, maybe not fruitful) relationship, but, as the Mom and supposed grown up - as in, she shoulda known better! - she shoulda thought about her Son first. Reason: the NBA is a BUSINESS FIRST! Entertainment 2nd. No team is gonna allow any outside distractions of this nature (teammates bonin each other's Moms, guns in the lockeroom, tshirts & jewelry on the bench) to interfere with the day-to-day business operations, for fear of losing public appeal, and subsequently, money! The thought of Delonte bangin Moms could possibly have distracted LeBron, which could have caused him to play like used toilet paper in the series against Boston. If that ain't fuckin up the money I don't know what is! If it's true, then Ms. LBJ shoulda saw that it was way bigger than her and her "needs". But, money & celebrity changes people, in more ways than we can probably conceive...

  9. dam ol Lonte got down on Brony mama whamps. shame on buddy. no good. i think thats the worst shit ive ever heard. but um Lebron and D. Rose sound good to me.

  10. you mos def dont score on buddy momz. poor bron bron. i got homies who have sisters dat wana gimmie sum MANK but i wont go. unwrittn rules fam

  11. [anon11:56] ...ooooouu this is so difficult to tolerate during an actual dialogue.. DeezL point taken.. i'm not arguing for it, I really dont care. :)

  12. Delonte got Mike Brown fired....This is the type of sh*t that destroys organizations and corporations....


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