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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Ok, You Got Me"

How do I feel about a woman pursuing me vs. me pursuing her?

Before I answer, let me explain something. Men hunt women. Women hunt men. There is a misconception that men hunt women more than women hunt men. I actually think that it’s 50/50, and I wouldn’t be surprised if women actually hunt men more often then they are hunted by men.

True, the average guy may approach the average woman more than he is being approached by a woman. But you have to look beyond the surface. Go a little deeper. We’re looking at the end of the equation. We’re not looking at the work that was done before the guy even got to that point where he decided to use his best pick up line. Get a clue dude, most of the time it is not the pick up line. She may act like she wasn’t looking at you and she may act like she bumped into you by accident. But, her perfume, ‘Come Get Me’ by Liz Taylor is on though, and it is poppin’. Some women may not have the courage and some may not believe in approaching a man, but trust me, her goal was to get his attention, and that’s what she did. Game. Set. Match. Checkmate. Although it was a trap, both parties benefitted. His boys are proud of him for the score. Her girls are commending her for the way she uncrossed and crossed her legs and got immediate results. Everyone’s happy.

Somewhere in my mid-20’s I realized this is something women did. Some traps I realized after the fact, some I never realized. I can honestly say I had mixed emotions about falling victim and finding out I was set up. It’s like finding out your favorite rapper doesn’t write his rhymes. Or the feeling I got when I first discovered a hair weave. “She lied to me man”. Or remember when Smokey met Freddie Jackson. Ok, I’m being a little dramatic, but the point is the male ego is tricky. Handle with care ladies.

This leads me to the scenario of a woman outwardly pursuing me. No trap, no games. As much as I would love to say I love and prefer when a woman approaches me, the numbers don’t lie. Most of the fruitful relationships I’ve had with women have come from me pursuing them. Men work hard and long at becoming great hunters. I don’t know if women are built to follow the same regimen. Maybe in my case, women aren’t meant to hunt like men. Maybe I’m comparable to the woman that just can’t get got. I’m not saying all guys are like me either. I’m sure some guys work well with women that pursued them. I’m just saying I may be more susceptible to the “pheromone” tactic. Ladies and gentlemen, let me know what you think.


  1. for starters im digging the video.. great visual aid!!
    once upon a time i tried to approach a guy S we hang out briefly on two separte occassions. i extended an event to guy S maybe twice more, he told me he was busy. im busy myself i was trying to make time for the brother. you feel me?

    i wonder if my aggressive approach was to much for him to handle?
    hopefully he will open up i want to learn more about him.
    ESWILD you think he may come around?


  2. This all boils back down to "letting a man be a man." It doesn't mean that we women have to give up who we are, it just means, we have to let the man have his "hunt." A man has to believe that he was the victor in the game, otherwise, for many, it may be too much for their ego. Again, women and men have distinct roles in life, and even with many lines these days being blurred, they still exist. Even now, as I am really learning how the male thinks, I practice it out on a few "lab rats" and its amazing what what you can catch with a little 'honey'.

  3. Woman work hard and compete with men on many levels. They want the playing field equal and they don't want to abide by "traditional roles." With that being said, women should approach men they are interested in. You want to live in an equal world, here you have it. I for one get approached by two kinds of women: "youngin's" and "Preciouses." I am interested in neither. Ask any of my friends, I get the worst looks* when it comes to women. (*Looks: getting checked out). I've heard i'm unapproachable, blah blah blah. Whatever to all that, number don't lie. The majority of women I have dealt with, I have stepped to. As far as letting a man be a man goes, all is fair in love and war. If you want something go after it cause you better believe me, if you don't Precious will.

  4. oh no Mighty D.R. whats up with the preciouses and youngins approaching u ? gotta change that ASAP

  5. I think a woman can approach a man if she puts just as much effort into the illusion of a chase because at the end of the day I agree the male ego for some reason requires he I believe a man only bites if he is interested. No matter who initiates, especially a man who has options not space fillers!


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